History of Fashion Collection


Take a trip back in time and discover the fascinating world of fashion from centuries past with this collection of 416 beautifully illustrated characters. Covering different regions of the world, these carefully named characters offer a glimpse into the diverse fashion trends of the 16th century and previous eras.

Each character is carefully named and features fashion from a variety of areas that may have since changed or disappeared over time, including areas such as Prussia, Livonia, and even the Canary Islands.

These illustrations have been digitally preserved and repurposed in vector form, making them perfect for any print or digital project. From vintage logos to website graphics, the possibilities are endless.

To be more specific, the collection include characters from: Armenia, Caramantia, Barbaria, Canary Islands, East Africa, Baruti, Bjarmaland, Ceylon, China, Croatia, Dalmatia, Zanzibar, Egypt, England, Ethiopia, Florida, France, Georgia, Germany, Gothland, Greece, Holland, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lappland, Livonia, Lybia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, North Africa, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Prussia, Romania, Russia, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, Virgin Islands, West Africa


– 416 Illustrations
– AI

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